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Things Can Change Very Quickly When You Do This Jul 28, 2023

I remember it like it was yesterday.

There I was, two years into my journey of helping business owners.

The year was 2013, and I was 26 years of age.

It was 10am, and I was still in bed.

I didn’t want to get up.

It almost felt like I couldn’t get up.

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Personal & Company Values Jul 21, 2023

I had a great 50-minute conversation recently with Ben Law from “The Financial Bloke.”

I highly recommend checking out his podcast – Click Here!

During our discussion, we delved into the topic of personal and company values, covering various aspects such...

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How Nice Is Your Office? Jul 14, 2023

A few years ago, I visited one of our members on-farm. 

They are an amazing couple who run a great farm. 

While we were out in the paddock, I asked the owner what his biggest weakness was, and he told me he didn’t make enough time to do the “office stuff.” 


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There is Always Something to Worry About Jul 07, 2023

There is always something to worry about.  

We have been through drought, fires, floods, COVID, The Ukraine War, increasing interest rates and very high inflation (just to name a few).  

…it never ends, and it’s important to know that it will never end. 


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The Importance of Getting Your Team in Sync Jun 30, 2023

I hope this message finds you well.


I wanted to share a recent experience where we took the time to align our Farm Owners Academy team with the company’s direction.


Here are some key highlights:



Our CEO, Sam Johnsson, organised a 2-day planning session for a...

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8 Traits of a High Performer Jun 23, 2023

If you want to hire someone, the ultimate goal should be to hire the right person. Slowing down the hiring process to find the ideal candidate is perfectly acceptable.

One good employee beats three average (this is why it’s okay to...

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Do You Ever Get Triggered? Jun 02, 2023

Do You Ever Get Triggered? 


I’m willing to bet that, like me, you experience triggers because you’re human. 


Triggers occur when someone or something causes us to react negatively. For years, I avoided triggers and often blamed others or the situation for my...

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Is Farm Owners Academy a Cult? culture freedom farmer mindset top producers May 26, 2023

At our last TOP Producers event, a farmer approached me and mentioned that he had heard Farm Owners Academy being referred to as a ‘cult.’ To my surprise, when asked directly, I responded, “Well, in many ways, it is.”

Allow me to explain.

The term “cult” is...

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The 7 habits of highly effective farm business owners May 19, 2023
Running a great business is a lot easier than you’d think. Most of it boils down to a few key habits.

 Here are 7 habits of highly effective farm business owners:

 1. They have a morning routine. Rather than diving straight into work, they slow down to ensure they feel great...

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How farm owners can overcome rising costs, inflation and softening commodity prices May 12, 2023

We are running a free online coaching session on Wednesday, June 7th, called Surviving & Thriving In Changing Times – it is all about how farm owners can overcome rising costs, inflation and softening commodity prices. 

Click here to register

Running a farm business has never been...

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Success Starts From Within May 05, 2023

The Importance of Mindset

This time last year, having just returned from a week on the beautiful Sunshine Coast conducting our “Deep Dive’ event with our Platinum Mastermind members, my fellow FOA team members Sam Johnsson (CEO), David Westbrook (Senior Coach and Community Manager)...

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How to Overcome the Dip and Make Better Business Decisions May 05, 2023

To grow your business, you will inevitably encounter a dip in short-term revenue. This dip is a common occurrence, but unfortunately, many business owners get stuck here, focusing on the cost of making a good decision instead of the potential medium to long-term benefits.  

A lot of...

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Ready to take your farm to the next level? We are here to help you overcome common challenges and achieve your business and personal goals.

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252 Playford Hwy
Kingscote SA 5223

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0447 184 167
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