Hear what other farmers are saying
We've helped thousands of farmer owners grow their business and enjoy a better life. Here are a few of them sharing their stories with you.
Platinum Mastermind - Alumni Member
"The main point of this is setting up your business so that you have the freedom to go and do what you want when you want. The future is looking good, we have confidence with what we’re doing and where we’re going and the numbers behind that to support it"
Platinum Mastermind - Alumni Member
"The Clarity Action Planner has a lot of power, a lot of traction. Once we are all aligned as a team, finally it’ll start to feel like we’re all running in the same direction. Coaches are great…it’s just a matter of being able to get past some of our hurdles. Looking forward to the future. A bit excited about getting back and start doing some of this work."
Platinum Mastermind - Alumni Member
"Everything that I’ve learned here is applicable to any business situation. It’s completely within your own power to shape your future. I’ve got the confidence in my own ability that I’m going to be able to sort it out and make it go of whatever situation I’m put in. If you think there’s a way to do it, you’re going to figure it out."
Platinum Mastermind - Alumni Member
"It’s much more than a business course, and it’s in a great way. Think as farm business owners, not as farmers. Benchmarking was the main thing that gave us clarity. Empowering was how it felt. You’re in control of everything. Being opened up to them has really changed the way I think about it all."
Paul Schaefer, FARM OWNER
Platinum Mastermind - Alumni Member
"It’s so much more, it’s such a complete package that we didn’t even realize when we were signing up. Getting a room full of fantastic people who you can learn from as well as the staff of Farm Owners who have just such a wealth of knowledge with mindset and coaching and just the accountability. The benchmarking results that we got three years ago as opposed to the ones we got now are just amazing. The roadmap for our future is looking bright. We’ve got the skills and the tools that Farm Owners have given us and yes, onwards and upwards for us."
Tom & Mel Crockett, FARM OWNER
Platinum Mastermind - Alumni Member
"You come to a place like this and to have 150 people in the exact same mindset that are transfixed on everything they say, it’s a great moment. This seemed to tick all the boxes we did, so we jumped at it. The more we looked at it, the more we realized we definitely needed it and wanted it. Empowering was how it felt. You’re in control of everything. We’ve been in the program for two years now and we’ve got so many more things out of it than when we signed up."
Carissa & Damien Schneider, FARM OWNER

Ready to take your farm to the next level? We are here to help you overcome common challenges and achieve your business and personal goals.