The Power of Asking a Good Question

Aug 18, 2023

To get better results, we’ve got to make smarter choices, and those smarter choices often begin with asking better questions.  

Let me share a real story that might hit home for you, especially if you’re a farmer dealing with challenges. 

Imagine this… back in the day, I had two top-notch coaches working for me. Out of the blue, they knock on my door and tell me they’re packing up and taking their clients with them. 

That hit me hard – suddenly, my earnings took a nosedive by a whopping $80k every month.


I was staring at a big hole in my budget, wondering how on earth to plug it.

Now, here comes the twist.


One of my business coaches throws me a challenge: turn this mess into a question and brainstorm at least 20 answers.

I’m like, “Why 20?”  

After the first ten ideas, your brain cranks into overdrive, especially when the heat is on. So, I tackled a simple question: “How can I pull in an extra 50 grand this month?” 


Game on.  


I dive into brainstorming mode – and let me tell you, the first ten solutions were easy. But then, it was like trying to herd kangaroos – a bit tougher. Still, I stuck with it. 


I gathered my team and asked a few of my mates for their input. You wouldn’t believe the cracking ideas they came up with! We ended up with a solid list and many ideas I would never have thought of if I didn’t do this exercise. 


And that’s where my business coach stepped in – to help me pick out the three best ideas and provide guidance in making them happen. 


Can you guess what came next?  


It worked, and we managed to make that 50k and got back in the black, all in just a week.  


I was blown away by how simple and darn powerful this process was. 


So, give it a burl. Craft a question that tickles your brain (works best when there’s a bit of a deadline) and shoot for 20 answers.  


Chat with your family or team – they might just throw in some ripper suggestions you never thought of. 


Who knows, you might just crack the code to solve whatever puzzle you’re facing. So, gather your thoughts, ask around, and prepare for great solutions.  


Have a great day, 


Robbo & The Farm Owners Academy Team 

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