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Our Succession Meeting with Dad Lasted Less Than 1 Minute Apr 22, 2022

Our succession meeting with Dad lasted less than 1 minute… 

I remember the day when Dad called my brothers and me into the office. 

‘We need to talk about money’, he said. 

I was 17 at the time, and I thought I was about to hit a bit of a jackpot. 

I was...

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[Free Download] Our Money Mastery Checklist Used to Create a Freedom Farm Apr 15, 2022

The first time my Dad taught me how to shear a sheep is a day I don’t want to remember.

… dragging it out of the pen
… trying to hold it still
… getting my head around how to grip the handpiece

The whole thing ended in a mess, and let’s just say that was the most...

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Could You Take 18 Months Off From Your Business? This is How I Did it... Apr 08, 2022

G’day there,

Andrew (Robbo) Roberts here.  I helped co-found Farm Owners Academy with Greg Johnsson.

I’ve recently returned after 18 months off (I took some time out to deal with two little boys under 2). Here I am with my family – Oscar, me, Jamie and my wife Sonja...

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Is Your Balance Sheet Lazy or Hardworking? Here’s How to Tell (+ build more wealth!) Aug 26, 2021

Is your balance sheet lazy?


For many farm owners we meet, the answer is “yes”.


And that’s a huge problem…


Because a lazy balance sheet is a clear sign that you’re leaving money on the table.


Money that could be used to:

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Our Top 4 Tips for Higher Gross Margins (and Hence...Higher Profits!) Aug 19, 2021

Last week, we talked about where most farm owners go wrong in trying to grow their profit.

Most people focus on reducing costs (through things like minimising taxwhen what they really should be focusing on…

Is increasing revenue.

As this study from the Wimmera region of...

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The Big Secret Rich Farm Owners Know (and Average Farm Owners Don’t) Aug 12, 2021

An insider secret rich farm owners know that the rest of us don’t?

Focussing on cutting costs in your farm business is probably keeping you broke. 


Okay, maybe its not keeping...

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Why Most Farm Owners are Wealthy on Paper But Not Rich in Their Bank Accounts… Aug 05, 2021

When I ask you to picture the wealthiest 1% in the world, who comes to mind? 

Jeff Bezos?

Gina Rinehart?

Bill Gates?

What if I told you that YOU are part of that elite group? 

Even if it sounds completely insane, it may very likely be true!

Many of the farm owners we know fit the...

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The 5 Stages of Burnout...and How to Get Out of Each One Jul 29, 2021

Quick check-in: 

Are you tired? 

Feeling unmotivated? 

Getting angry and snapping at your partner, kids, or farmhand? 

Suffering from headaches, stomachaches, or intestinal issues? 

Generally not feeling a sense of purpose or accomplishment on the farm?

If you answered...

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Every Farmer Avoids This...and It Costs Them Everything. Jul 22, 2021


^^ This is a countdown to the day you hang up your Akubra for the last time and head to the great farm in the sky.

Okay, maybe not the exact day.

But the reality is, all of us have a countdown timer like this…we just don’t spend much time...

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The ONE Thing That Helped Greg 4x His Turnover and 3x His Profits Jul 15, 2021

Sometimes the smallest things in business produce the biggest results. 

Quick history lesson:

Back in 2013
, Farm Owners Academy co-founder Greg owned a vet business that was turning over $750K per year, $150K of which was profit.

Not bad, right?

But to make that money, he...

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The 4 Biggest Tax Mistakes That Cost Farmers Thousands Jul 07, 2021

Ahh, that blissful feeling of finishing your year-end financials. 

You’ve totaled the bank balances.

Listed your income and expenses.

Painstakingly answered the 101 questions from your accountant.

And even though you’re breathing a sigh of relief because you’re finished...

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The Best Ways to Grow Your Wealth... Safely Dec 16, 2019

Farming is inconsistent. 


Some years, you make money…others you don’t. 


The theory goes, out of every six years, you’ll make money in four of those years and you’ll lose money in two of them. It’s all part of the game.


That’s why...

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Kingscote SA 5223

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