Profitable Farmer

Profitable Farmer

Hosted by: Farm Owners Academy

This show is all about increasing the profitability of your farm so you work smarter and not harder. Your host, Jeremy Hutchings (CEO of Farm Owners Academy), reveals the best farming business tips for more leverage...

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Episode 146 - Building a Thriving Farm Culture with Si Harris

CULTURE - we all have one, whether we like it or not. Within our business, our family, even our community.  Leaving our culture unchecked can be a disaster. Accepting a sub optimal culture can be destroying... for you...
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Episode 145 - Resourcing Up for Growth

It is clear to me that so many of us are under-resourced.  As such, we dedicate 20-40 hours per week to low-value farm activity, often at the expense of CEO-level tasks. For me, this continued focus on low-value...
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Episode 144 - The Impact of a Nuffield Scholarship, with Jim Geltch

Nuffield International’s vision is to inspire people to make a difference in the world of agriculture.    It is fair to say this renowned organisation is truly achieving its global vision - as a result of the great...
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Episode 143 - Sam & Jenny Bailey – A Story of True Aussie Grit

Imagine losing your arms, legs, body and your entire outlook on life… at age 19.   Imagine being in the prime of your life, only to have it all taken away.   Imagine having to start over, come to terms with that...
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Episode 142 - The Gap and The Gain, and Creating a Culture of Winning

In this episode, it was great to connect with the impressive Sam Johnsson, CEO of Farm Owners Academy. During our discussion we:  reflected on his 3 years with us, acknowledged the incredible Farm Owners Academy team...
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Episode 141 - You are not your Bank Balance

For many of us, our self-confidence and sense of self often go up and down with the seasons. We feel good about ourselves when times are good, and we are intently hard on ourselves - even thinking we are failing -...
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Episode 140 - Leadership lessons with Jim Gall, CEO RB Sellars

I have said before that there is so much we can learn from business leaders and entrepreneurs outside of our industry.   In this episode, I interview Jim Gall, now CEO of RB Sellars.   There is no doubt that RB...
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Episode 139 – How Does the Stress of Farming Impact Our Mental Well-being?

  In my last episode introduction I asked - who here has felt real financial duress and overwhelming stress or hardship in this game called farming?   In this episode, I explore this theme further with an in-depth...
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Episode 138 - From Rock-Bottom to Sustained Success

Who here has felt real financial duress and overwhelming stress or hardship in this game called farming? I feel this is relevant and real for so many - it isn’t always an easy game to play.  In this episode, it gives...
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Episode 137 – It is our BUSINESS MODEL that can set us free.

So many farming families we meet have businesses that are completely dependent on them. In addition, so many farm owners across Australia’s have business models that are not risk-aware, sufficiently profitable,...
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Episode 136 - Is My Money Mindset Holding Me Back?

I love the concept that perhaps our subconscious programming is the thing that is holding us back.    I also like the concept that money is just a tool to give us what we want in life.    However, I believe that many...
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Episode 135 - What does it take to be great? Lesson from world champion Anna Meares

When people succeed at the highest level, often all we see of them is their endeavour and their achievement.   We never really get to hear of the challenge, the hardship or the immense struggle that is behind the...
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